Monday, 17 Feb 2025
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Presentations and tutorials

What Who Where When

Tutorial on few-cycle OPCPA
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Andrius Baltuska CLEO 2011, Baltimore MD May 3, 2011 start presentation




Finished Doctoral Theses

Date of defense Thesis title defense presentation
Martin Dorner-Kirchner July 8, 2022 Applications of Intense Laser Pulses to the Control of Attosecond Processes in Gas Phase Atoms and Dimers
Ignas Astrauskas April 23, 2021 New approaches to driving mid-IR parametric frequency converters
Tobias Flöry Dec. 13, 2019 Time and frequency controlled pulse formats from femtosecond regenerative amplifiers

Václav Hanus Aug. 23, 2019 Sub-Femtosecond Tracing of Molecular Dynamics with Strong Laser Fields

Valentina Shumakova June 22, 2018 Filamentation and Self-Compression of Multi-mJ fs Mid-IR Pulses

Guangyu Fan May 2, 2018 Generation and Applications of High-Brightness Coherent Soft-Xray Pulses

Seyedreza Larimian Aug. 31, 2017 Ionization and fragmentation of atoms and molecules in strong laser fields

Pavel Malevich Jan. 19, 2017 Generation of intense mid-IR pulses and their application for remote sensing

Sonia Erattupuzha July 8, 2016 Control of molecular processes with intense laser pulse
Tadas Balciunas July 27, 2015 Sub-cycle control of light waves

Giedrius Andriukaitis Dec. 19, 2012 Development and applications of a kilohertz high energy femtosecond Yb:CaF2 laser amplifier

Li Zhang May 11, 2012 Control of Electron Wavepacket Dynamics with Intense Cycle-Shaped Laser Pulses
Afshan Irshad Sept. 28, 2011 Optical and mode-locking properties of InGaN/GaN based hetero-structures
Lingxiao Zhu April 21, 2011 Development and applications of femtosecond monolithic Yb-doped fiber chirped-pulse amplifiers
Stefan Roither Feb. 11, 2011 Investigation of Strong Laser Field‐Induced Fragmentation Dynamics of Hydrocarbon Molecules using Coincidence Momentum Imaging
Alexander Mitrofanov Jan. 13, 2011 Investigation of attosecond ionization dynamics in gases and solids with intense few-cycle laser pulses


pdf-files of PhD-theses are available on request.


Regenerative amplification software demo

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